Wednesday, 18 February 2009


This one's going to be a really short post. I just wanted to get something off my chest. Nothing too platitudinous I hope.

I look around and see everyone in society, hurrying, chasing one thing after another, just to chase another thing once they realise it's not worth it. I look around and see everyone in society not standing up for what they believe in. It's smart to play the game wisely, but is it smart to sacrifice your entire belief? The human psyche is a wonderful, confusing thing. More confusing than walking through Sanskrit.

I had a moment of epiphany recently. I haven't the foggiest idea of when this was. But, although it's no big deal, and I'm surprised it has such an effect on me, something about it seemed so true, yet so confusing. Life's been pretty busy, but pretty boring. These are the things that arouse me.

Aren't we all just killing the future to preserve the present?

It's open to interpretation. What do you think? Yes, you, you fuck.

And lastly, if you're reading this. You're just a subject of a worldwide experiment. What you think is the world is just an artificial stage, constructed with actors who play the roles of everybody in your shit life. The weather is fake. Your house is fake. Your parent's aren't real. The landscape is one helluva well designed set. Think Truman Show. What do you know?

You know this; I'm a fucking talented and gifted actor, and I'm pretending to be writing a meaningful blog that in some way affects you. And everything around you is just another stupid moment you're trying to make last forever. So, yes, I agree, definitely...fuck your life.

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